I created this series of body weight training sessions because I didn’t see any programming that was using this unique period to explore the kinds of training you probably wouldn’t choose to do if you have access to a gym. If you are “going paleo,” the object is to shop, cook and eat better quality food, not to find “paleo” substitutes for your pancakes, pasta and brownies. With that said, the goal is to keep as much of the gym-based foundation you have built while also finding some weakness that need to be shored up, so that when you get back to the gym, you are good, hopefully better, to go.
This is a 7 days per week, two week cycle. The idea is do so something everyday to help manage stress and to encourage a regular schedule. Think of these training sessions as farm work rather than workouts, some days are easier than others. Remember, it is the harvest you are working towards not just getting sweaty. However, if you want to add intensity, I will be happy to help you with that.
Training sessions:
A pdf of the sessions, with clickable links to video demos of the various sections, is here. If you want to have these workouts on a fancy app (TrueCoach), that will cost you $10/month because I get charged for the app. I am working on a Zoom solution. Also I am working on a band version, KB/DB and a barbell versions.

Training session notes:
- This program was meant to be completed sequentially, if you miss day 2, for instance, your next workout should be day 2. Having said that, if you have one sunny, warm day a week, use that to get outdoors. Get as many done as you can in two weeks and you’ll be fine.
- The sections of the sessions are labelled by purpose. The first section is about developing the positions necessary for loading and adding intensity. The second section is designed to improve on the movement between positions before we load them.
- The sections are listed in order of priority. If you are not feeling it, just do the Position section and see how you feel. If you’re done, fine, you got the most important part of the workout done.
- Active rest sessions are just the Position and Movements sections that make you feel the best. Athlete’s choice here. Depending on your fitness, you might be able to do another whole session.
- What does low intensity mean? Take 180 and subtract your age and that is your target heart rate. You can also go low-tech and just be able to nose breathe and/or talk in full sentences. For more information, see The 180 Formula: Heart-rate monitoring for real aerobic training and Uphill Athlete Training Zones Heart Rate Calculator. Regarding the Uphill Athlete post, your 180 – Age number is zone 2. AeT is Aerobic Threshold, AnT/LT is Anaerobic Threshold/Lactic Threshold, ST is Slow Twitch, FT is aFast Twitch. I am not an expert in this area, so if you have differing opinion, shoot me an email and we’ll sort it out.
Videos of Sections (Video quality and quantity will improve over time):
Push/Pull – Cycle 1 – Position A
Push/Pull – Cycle 1 – Movement A
Push/Pull – Cycle 1 – Movement B
Push/Pull – Cycle 1 – Strength A
Push/Pull – Cycle 1 – Finisher A
Squat/Hinge – Cycle 1 – Position A
Squat/Hinge – Cycle 1 – Movement A
Squat/Hinge – Cycle 1 – Movement B
Squat/Hinge – Cycle 1 – Strength A
Squat/Hinge – Cycle 1 – Finisher A